New Training: AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate (SOA-01)
This 381-video entry-level AWS SysOps Admin training teaches CBT Nuggets trainers Trevor Sullivan and Bart Castle the knowledge cloud administrators need in order to deploy, manage and use scalable, highly-available, and fault-tolerant systems.
This 44-part series covers topics like:
Plan for EC2 Pricing
Amazon EC2 Instances: Plan for and Run
Plan for Monitoring at AWS
Design for Dynamic Ec2 Workloads
Design for EC2 Automated Scaling
Preparation for the AWS SysOps Administrator Associate Examination
They also prepare for the AWS Certified Sysops Administrator exam (SOA-01), which is required to earn the AWS Certified Sysops Administrator certificate.
This training covers the following topics:
CloudWatch Log Metric Filter for Counting Events
Scalability of AWS Compute Services
Public Web Server: Internet Gateway & Subnet
Identifying reliability limits
Management Network: Bridge ENIs
This training includes:
40 hours of training
381 videos
You can watch a video of this AWS SysOps Administration course:
Get started preparing for SysOps Admin now!
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